I have
been a Dental Nurse for almost 8 years, so it’s really important to me to have
nice white teeth. When I was younger I used to suck my thumb, which made my
teeth stick out and that made me quite self-conscious of how I looked, so
because of that I needed a brace as a teenager so now I like to make sure I
maintain a healthy smile.
smile is the prettiest thing you can wear so I’m all for supporting a nice
healthy smile! So I will take you through what I do and what I recommend.
Step 1: You wouldn’t build a house without strong
foundations and the same goes with your teeth, healthy teeth and gums is a must
before starting any sort of cosmetic treatment or teeth whitening. Brush your
teeth twice a day, morning and night for 2 minutes everyday and visit your
Dentist/Hygienist every 6-12 months; depending on your oral health, your
dentist should let you know how often you need to visit.
Step 2: I use a custom made whitening tray with
whitening gel placed into them, which I then wear to go to bed in and then take
them out the next morning. You will need an impression of your teeth usually
done by your dentist or dental care professional and then a week later your
whitening trays are usually ready to fit, you are then given tubes of whitening
gel which are usually 6% hydrogen peroxide and 5%, 10% or 16% carbamide
peroxide. These professional materials are designed for use under dental supervision
as part of a professional treatment, so I wouldn’t recommend buying any sort of
tooth whitening kit off the Internet. Once you have your whitening trays and
whitening gel, insert a small amount of gel into each tooth and wear for at
least 2 hours. Whilst you have them in you cannot eat or drink, so I find going
to bed in them works best for me. You can experience sensitivity with this
method of tooth whitening so if this happens to you, use a de-sensitizing
toothpaste like sensodyne and you should be fine. You can determine how white
you want them, the more you keep whitening them the whiter they will go, so
once your happy with your shade, stop and just top it up when you feel you need
to. I haven’t whitened my teeth since
before Christmas and they have stayed white and I’ll tell you how in step 3.
Step 3: Curaprox Black is White/White is Black
toothpaste. Curaprox is a Swiss company who strive on making top quality, high
end products. I was lucky enough to be sent their new black – yes black,
toothpaste to try, firstly I was really dubious but this actually works. Unlike
typical whitening toothpastes that contain abrasive particles and bleaching
agents which erode enamel, This toothpaste uses activated carbon to gently
absorb and remove stain particles that discolour your teeth without wearing any
enamel away, leaving you with healthy white teeth. It also contains a blue
optical filter which reduces yellow discolouration making your teeth instantly
look whiter, not only that but it tastes amazing and leaves your mouth feeling
minty fresh. It comes with a Curaprox CS 5460 manual toothbrush, which is the
best manual toothbrush I have ever used! It is so soft and contains 5460 extra
fine specially designed filaments offering incomparable gentleness and
efficiency, it also guarantees that the brush will not have a aggressive or eroding
impact on your teeth without compromising the clean fresh feeling. I have been
using this for about 2 months now and haven’t whitening my teeth since before
Christmas so I know this product really does work. Hands down converted to
these 2 products! You can buy these products at some professional dentists and
larger boots UK stores RRP’s at £19.95.
that is my 3 steps to whitening your teeth which I hope you found helpful, if
you have any questions leave me a comment and I will do my best to get back to
you. Thank you for reading and Happy Whitening! J
I may not have paid for everything I talk about
but I am not in ANY way obliged to mention these products and if I have done
so, it is because I genuinely like them. I would never recommend a
brand/product that I didn't truly love and believe in.